Work > Straight Drippin'

This series is about the relationship I have with the paint itself. It’s about not being pressured to paint a form or a figure, landscape or object but to allow the paint to do what any liquid form does... drip. There is something so beautiful about letting the paint drip, splatter or splash that replicates other liquid forms of matter that we come across everyday. The series has been an exploration of taking the simplicity of a drip and turning it into a complex and intricate maze of color. I manipulate the paints viscosity in such a way that allows me to catch each drip while it falls. This technique creates long straight lines of color. Each painting is a thick build up of individual layers of drips, creating a textural quality to the paintings that are almost three dimensional. The organic manor in which the paint falls is what is so beautiful to me. But being able to catch the paint drip in mid air is simply fascinating.

Yellow and Red
Acrylic on canvas